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Detox Your Home

February 18, 20193 min read

Detox Your Home

Did you know that chemicals are absorbed into your body through your skin?

So when you apply shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, face cream - you get my drift - the chemical and synthetic compounds are absorbed into the skin and can cause no end of issues for your body.

Some of the chemicals found in seemingly ‘safe’ products on the shelf of supermarkets and chemists are carcinogenic and hormone disruptors - and most certainly not what I want inside my body or those of my children.

In the early days of our journey back to health, we did a hair analysis test for both my children, who were aged three and six at the time. It was off the scale for mercury, cadmium, aluminum and arsenic.

This was highly alarming as a mother, and when I did some research, I discovered that a mother dumps her toxins into the first born child through the umbilical cord. So children are taking on toxins from mum before they are even born - another reason to detox your body.

Just walking barefoot on hard floors, you can absorb the chemical residues from the floor cleaner in less than 28 seconds - alarming right!

Removing Toxins From My Home

So my life hasn’t always been toxin-free. But when I decided to remove toxins from the home, it was a slow and steady journey, as I couldn’t cope with any more overwhelm. So when a product had run out in the home, I did not replace it with the same item - I went and found a natural replacement.

My home is probably cleaner now than it ever was in the past, and my bathroom is filled with natural, personal hygiene products.

One of the first things I would recommend, is to replace your deodorant with a natural deodorant, which can be made using bicarb, coconut oil, shea butter and some essential oils, or there are many great ones on the market.

doTERRA has just introduced a natural deodorant, which smells divine and keeps you smelling fresh all day, even in the Queensland heat (where I live!) This is my new favourite and, every now and again, I will do a “pit detox paste”, which has apple cider vinegar, bentonite clay (great at removing toxins from the body) and activated charcoal, mixed with cilantro or the detoxing blend of essential oils. Leave it on to dry and then wash off. I do this routine once a month.

Where To Start Detoxing Your Home

Here is a list of things I use in my home that are completely all-natural

● Shampoo
● Conditioner
● Body wash
● Hand wash
● Deodorant
● Cleanser
● Toner
● Moisturiser
● Night cream
● Makeup
● Body butter
● Body scrub
● Face mask
● Hair styling products
● Sunscreen
● Floor cleaner
● Washing-up liquid
● Washing powder
● Dishwasher powder
● Air freshener
● Surface spray
● Window cleaner
● Oven cleaner
● Toilet cleaner

I ditched the bleach and toilet duck and my asthma vanished - no word of a lie!

I hope this post has inspired you and shown you that it doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive to detox your home.
But putting your health first matters, and your kids’ health matters. Keeping the toxins as low as possible - we can’t avoid them all - is going to help your bodies to heal naturally and give you a long, happy life.

Until next time!

Jo Dissanayake

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Jo Dissanayake

A certified kinesiologist, PANDAS survivor, mum of two beautiful children – Erykah 18 and Xavier 14 – and I've been married to my soulmate Shami for 20 years. I created the Meltdown Eraser and A Gut Instinct to share the life-changing information I learned about learning difficulties, behaviour problems, and just how much clean living makes a difference. For every mumma out there that feels like she's at her wit's end, we have the solutions and support you've been dreaming of!

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